Cosmetic Surgery Financing Options

Especially these days, questions about cosmetic surgery and costs go hand in hand. While many of you long to revolutionize your look and feel, concerns about financial cost generally aren’t far behind.

Fortunately there are options to help women and families obtain much desired aesthetic or reconstructive procedures like breast implants, tummy tucks or liposuction and pay for it in a responsible manner. Reconstructive procedures may even be considered medically necessary and thus, covered by health insurance. It just depends on your particular situation.

Below are a few financing options besides paying cash or putting cosmetic surgery procedures on your credit card. We recognize most don’t have an extra few thousand dollars lying around. Flexible financing options though help ease the financial burden of undergoing a cosmetic surgery procedure.

Payment Plans

Many cosmetic surgeons across Florida offer flexible payment plans to their patients. Rather than having all of the money up front, pay in installments and better manage the cost of undergoing an aesthetic or reconstructive procedure.

Health Insurance

Many plastic surgery procedures are done for medical reasons. If a procedure like a breast reduction or rhinoplasty is needed to alleviate other medical conditions, your health insurance may cover part of the cost. Consult with your insurance company to learn more.

Tax Deductions (rare)

Another option, though rarely used, is a tax deduction. If your procedure has anything to do with your career, you may be able to take a sizeable tax deduction for it. However, this is generally considered the least reliable source of paying for a cosmetic surgery procedure.

These are just a few of the options you can consider for financing a cosmetic surgery procedure. Besides cost, you should also learn as much as you can about the procedure you’re interested in. Take a look at our cosmetic surgery before & after photos section and learn about what you can expect by reviewing our material on individual procedures.