Make Yourself Look Years Younger with a Brow Lift

Are you bothered by expression lines and other signs of aging in the brow region?

Florida brow lift surgeons at Accent Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics have a minimally invasive procedure that can help you look years younger and regain your confidence. An endoscopic brow lift helps you accomplish your goals of a younger looking appearance by minimizing these creases and repositioning a low, sagging brow.

To put it another way, an endoscopic brow lift at our Florida plastic surgery center helps remove excess skin in the brow region and smoothes the remaining skin in that area to give you a refreshed, more youthful look.

If you desire a younger look and are in good health, you are a good candidate for brow lift surgery. But do it because you want it, not to satisfy someone else’s desires.

If you decide a brow lift is what you need to accomplish your goals, surgeons will sit down with you and fully discuss the brow lift procedure and any risks associated with it. They will also ask you to sign a consent form attesting that you fully understand the procedure and any risks.

Since a brow lift is an outpatient procedure, we recommend someone be available to drive you home and spend the night to help monitor your recovery.

Brow lift surgery generally takes about a week to recover from but you should refrain from strenuous activity in the direct sun for about 4 weeks following the procedure.

Learn more about brow lift surgery or contact Florida brow lift surgeons at Accent Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics today to schedule a free consultation.