New “Gummy Bear” Implants Signal Potential Revolution in Breast Reconstruction Technology

Although they’re still in clinical trials, new “gummy bear” implants could provide women with more breast reconstruction options.

Standard breast implants – while quite adequate for many – only address diameter and volume.

“Gummy Bear” implants, which are technically known as ‘form stable’ implants, provide more dimensional options that can be customized to each individual’s need more easily. These novel implants address width, height and projection and appeal to women who are looking for a more authentic look.

Form stable implants like the ‘gummy bear’ implant do maintain their shape while you’re lying down. Standard saline implants on the other hand flatten so that’s something to keep in mind when evaluating your options.

Also, the ‘gummy bear’ implant material consists of a much more cohesive gel, meaning that if there’s a tear, the greater the likelihood the material will stay together.

Learn more about this new and exciting breast reconstruction option in this Plastic Surgery Channel interview. Dr. Scott Spier, chief of plastic surgery at Georgetown University Hospital, explains in more detail how ‘gummy bear’ implants differ from traditional breast implants.

While these interesting new implants are still in clinical trials, we’re excited about the prospect they offer and look forward to making them available to Accent patients as soon as practically possible.