Peruvian Woman Bed Bound Because of Massive Breasts

Just when you thought you’ve heard it all, down comes another story that’s beyond belief…a 29-year old mother of three in Peru was bed ridden for over 6 months because her breasts had grown so large she would literally faint because of the massive stress of carrying N-cup breasts.

After giving birth to her third child, the small framed woman began experiencing massive breast growth. “It was awful. If I tried to get up I would faint because my breasts were so heavy. My breasts became so huge my skin had sores and I had trouble breathing.”

The woman was finally able to receive help when local media paid for her to take a three-day trip to the nearest town for medical help. Once there, doctors diagnosed her with an extreme form of Bilateral Gynecomastia – or a condition where the mammary gland continues to grow. They were also concerned about the impact of this weight on her lungs.

Doctors performed a 6-hour breast reduction operation where they removed 35 pounds of flesh from her chest – resulting in a 34B cup size for the beleaguered mother of three.

“Before the operation I couldn’t do anything, I just had to live with it, it got so bad that my breast were touching my legs” says the woman.

While this is a very extreme case, oversize breasts can present problems for many women. Breast reduction surgery at our Florida plastic surgery clinic can help address this problem, giving women a new sense of confidence and relief from carrying around such a heavy load on their chests.